Thursday, November 10, 2011

First thing that comes to mind about physical education is exercise not everyone favorite word. Maybe there should be alternatives for high school P.E

In my argumentive essay the main point is whether or not high schools should require students to take a physical educational class as their only option. Could they possibly switch the credit with a sport they play instead of the class itself? It has its pros and cons as whether it would be a good idea or not. A pro is that the fact that maybe more students will try and go out for a sport and socialize with their peers or another option instead of having to be required to take a gym class and doing things that they possibly wouldn’t like. A major con is that maybe that someone might say their on a sport team and get credit for that sport but is not always participating in the event held. Many views are held when talking about whether or not there should be an alternative for a physical education class, even though some high schools now accept this option should all high schools?

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