Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Circus In Winter

I knew that this afternoon I was going to go see Circus In Winter. From what I have heard from all of my theatre friends, they have said that the entire stage was used for this production. They also said that it was a little hard to follow at first but, once you got into the story enough you where able to follow it easily. I walked over to Woodworth to grab some food and think about what I might see. I have heard rumor that there was an elephant puppet used on stage. I thought to myself how big is this elephant? How realistic is the elephant? Before I knew time had pasted and I need to start walking over to University Theatre. I got the ticket counter and they directed me to my seat. I sat down and looked at the giant stage. It looked like the designs had placed part of a barn inside the theatre. It has three levels and was a work of art to look at it. I have been in many barns in my life and it looked pretty realistic. Taking in this huge barn was a challenge. My eyes darted everywhere trying to make since of it all. Before I knew it the lights were deeming and the show was about to begin. The first big musical number was very impressive. Then I saw it, the elephant walked on stage. It was massive, and required two people to operate. The skin was in great detail and looked very realistic. The rest of the show went real well but the elephant stuck in my mind the rest of the night.

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