Monday, December 5, 2011

A Midsummer Night's Dream

A Midsummers Night Dream (A Different take)

Many people in the world are familiar with William Shakespeare's plays. Most of his plays are comedies and can be quite hard to follow due to the writing style of the time, and also the fact that Shakespeare liked to make up his own words to describe or call things. Recently, Ball State put on a play of his play, A Midsummer Night's Dream.

I, not being a big fan of Shakespeare was no all that thrilled about going to see it, but I felt I had to because good ol' Jimi was running the sound board for the play. The stage was odd, slanted, and quite simple. The main parts of the stage came from computer graphics and lighting. Which made quite a cool effect. There were a few mess-ups in the performance, but all were taken care of with great ease.

The take on the old play was also quite interesting. The director had incorporated Beatles songs into the play. The songs made the play more comical and maybe even a little easier to understand, although there were a few dance sequences I found were maybe unneeded and not relevant to the story line. Besides the unneeded dancing scenes the music made sense with what was going on in the play. The actors seemed to be enjoying themselves as did the audience. Once again, a play worthy of my ticket money. If Ball State was to put on another Shakespeare play as good as A Midsummer Night's Dream I would totally go see it!

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