Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday October 6th !

At approximately 4:59 I strolled into the classroom and took my seat on the corner. As soon as I sat down, the lecture began, as did the distractions semi-quiet conversations that carried out through class. The lecture of the day was about describing the new research essay. It is to be an argument paper, three to five pages, based on a topic of our choice that we can describe the pros and cons of and give an argument or propose a solution to something.
Mrs. Evans showed multiple videos on youtube of writing and using the internet as a source, particularly Wikipedia and its validity as well as Google. After a short lecture from the professor, we all went to our computers and began to search for a topic to research for our next paper. Most were successful in finding a topic that they liked because I observed the responses of everyone when the teacher went around asking what each person was researching. After about 15 solid minutes of researching for a topic, most of us broke out into discussion, searched the www, tweeted like a bird or stalked on Facebook. This was a sure sign that most have checked out and were ready for supper or the rest of the day. The clock struck 6:15 and out we were.

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