In chapter 9 of envision the author discussed effective strategies for selecting the appropriate branch of oratory for your rhetorical situation for translating a written argument into a multimedia presentation and for scripting a d designing a memorable and effective delivery for an argument.
When a writer is drafting and designing their presentation they must understand the branches of oratory. Oratory is delivered into three branches based on time, purpose, and content. Understanding the branches of oratory is only one resource of classical rhetoric that writers touch base on when working on presentations. Paying attention to audience, purpose, and persona is important as well when creating a oral rhetoric. When identifying your audience, purpose, and persona there are questions the writer should ask themselves such as, what format will their presentation take, who is their audience, what is their purpose, what branch of oratory does their presentation represent, what persona do they want to convey, what kind of tone do they want to use, and what supporting materials do they plan to use.
After completing all of the pervious steps the writer needs to transform the research into a presentation. There are three steps the writer should complete in order to transform the research. They should first use selection which means to plan for a shorter presentation then you actually have so that the presenter does not run out of time when speaking. Next the presenter should use organization this just means to reorder your information so that you can make it meet the needs and expectations of the audience. The last step would translation, which just means to simply translate your writing from text meant to be read to text meant to be heard.
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