Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Class Log October 25

So there I was, sitting in English class again. This time was different though, this time I had to do the class log. So here’s how it began. Mrs. Tessa talked about the differences between writing and reading. When you speak you can create an atmosphere, and body language. It was also mentioned that Sentence fragments from writing would not work for speaking. We also talked about the first canon: Invention is tied to the rhetorical appeal of logos. Common topics- what kind of dichotomy is there? What kinds of reasons people might take? What or whom you can appeal to.

We also looked the Arrangement of Classical Oration.

The introduction

Statement of Facts

Division- what order your evidence goes in


Refutation- bringing up people who disagrees with you and find out why they thin that.

Conclusion-Talks about how voters get an audience excited to vote their way

This is not the only way to do this.

Think about what your audience knows,

Delivery- It deals with how something is presented. It covers a lot of things.

Used you tube to show. Uses the “Argument Clinic” as an example. We also looked a British mock video of a news report and a video on ordering pizza in the future and The astounding world of tomorrow a humorous look at the future, and was a Humorous, yet depressing look at the future. The class picked a South park video but it was not what people expected. Real future prediction video, which was kind of accurate, and finally a BBC Video. We ended the class on a Five minute free write where you first wrote about your topic and why you believe so strongly in your argument. Then you spend five minutes doing a rebuttal. I must admit it was actually helpful. So that was class in a nutshell.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I said that sentence fragments are usually more common in speech than in written essays.
