I really liked how chapter seven started with creativity. I strive for creativity, and being original, I never feel like anything I do is wholly original but I still try regardless. Using creativity to link up with Plagiarism was really a brilliant idea.
Plagiarism was nailed into my head as the devil of writing from the moment I entered middle school. I never knew how tricky it could be to incorrectly cite something when I first started learning about plagiarism. I guess I really don’t like plagiarism because it’s really tedious. Unfortunately the rest of the chapter was not like the introduction, and I really didn’t much care for what it had to say.
I actually am pretty anal about plagiarism, I’ve always been fearful that I would plagiarize someone’s work. It didn’t help my case all those years ago when someone told me that everything has already been said before and that we only alter what has come before us. Then I saw the quote at the beginning of the chapter; it said, “Creativity always builds on the past.” That quote really opened my eyes to the fact that creativity improves, and not copies past work. While I may not have been to keen on the chapter itself the beginning is ironically one of my favorite things about this book.