I didn't have to wait too long until the attendance paper was passed to me and I signed a small spot reserved for my name specifically. As Mrs. Evans continued speaking to clear up any confusion of the class blog that we all seemed to be having trouble with I looked up in embarrassment as she used the blog I had posted the night before as an example of "What not to do when posting a blog". I tried everything in my power to engage my peers sitting around me in any sort of conversation that would distract them from reading my name at the bottom of the blog. I just hoped it worked.
Refocusing on what was going on in the class I realized that many students tried to pass the time by checking the 411 on facebook and the more recently popular twitter. It seemed more important to them on who was dating who than the rhetorical analysis assignment that was being assigned to us. One of the kay phrases that I got out of Mrs. Evans for the future assignment was to "Analyze the argument, then create or look for the thesis statement". I even wrote this down to help me with the assignment.
It was now time to share our thoughts on what we got out of the assigned article "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" My group mates and I started to discussing the key facts of the article and many of us admitted that we didn't read the full article because we felt that everything he needed to get across was located in the first paragraphs of the article. The groups took their turns stating their thoughts while Mrs. Evans stood there in full attention to what every group member had to say and even commented on a lot of the thoughts. I then began to think if I could ever gain the patience and the focus like she had. I find it very easy to drift away in class and end up in some other world.
As class neared the end and students including myself started to watch the clock all I could think about was where to get dinner. The time finally turned to 6:15 and the room seemed to flip into chaos in a matter of seconds as students tried to rush out of the room as if it was on fire. Mrs. Evans tried to yell out final important announcements for next class but I knew as students began to walk out it was a lost cause to even try. But hey, it was worth the effort.
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